Thomas The Railway Series Wiki



Release Date

February 15 2013

Railway Series Book

Duke the Lost Engine

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Toad Stands By

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Peter Sam and the Refreshment Lady

Granpuff is the eighth episode of the eighth season.


It is a winter night and the cold wind is blowing,which makes it hard for the engines to sleep.Toby suggests that they shall listen to a story.Percy agrees and thinks that the story is mysterious.Duck thinks that it must have a happy ending,and Thomas said that his driver told him the story.

Once upon a time, there were 3 young engines who lives in their own railway. Their names are Duke Stuart and Falcon. Duke was very proud, that he has decided to keep the little engines in order. Whenever the other engines comes and goes, Duke outlasts them all. Stuart and Falcon teases Duke and calls him Granpuff, because they like Duke. But they get tired of hearing too much about his grace.

Duke warns Stuart and Falcon that if they do not behave well, then they would end up like Smudger. The young engines felt so curious about Smudger, so Duke told them all about Smudger. Smudger is show off Engine and he was also a conceited engine that rolls roughly and comes off the rails. Duke warns Smudger to be careful, but Smudger ignores him and just laughed. Later on, when the Manager took Smudger's wheels away and says he was going to make him useful at last, Smudger quickly stops laughing and then gets converted into a generator. He was still behind Duke's shed and never rolls on the rails again.

After that, Stuart and Falcon behaved better and all three became good friends for years. However, this all ended when hard times came. The mines that the engines depended on for work closed and the railway soon followed. As a result, the engines were all put up for sale. Stuart and Falcon were bought together, but no one wanted to buy an old engine like Duke. Stuart and Falcon promised Granpuff that they would find another railway for him to run on.Duke’s driver and fireman oil and greased him,then sheeted snugly and said goodbye,and they leave to find work.Duke is alone,and decides to go to sleep,and it will help to pass the time.Percy said that it was not a happy ending,but Thomas tells him that there will be another story,but it will have to wait until next time.






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